Sunday, May 24, 2015

8 weeks

I ate actual food and feel AMAZING.
I figured out a way to manage the nausea and sickness is by eating little bits of food, once my stomach starts to feel empty that's when the nausea starts. 

Oh and I'm super gassy??

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Baby is now the size of a grape and my body is trying to vomit it up.
I'm down to only being sick once a day but oh god, it's horrible trying to stay hydrated.
I'm currently living off Calippo ice lollies and brown bread. Sometimes toasted, sometimes not, for variety.

Give me the strength to get through this.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

7 weeks+3

Well morning sickness hit me yesterday. Hard. I was sick three times and still feeling nauseous today. It has subsided a little now.
I was feeling really sorry for myself yesterday! I feel for those people who deal with it on a regular basis.

 My grandpa passed away a week and a half ago and his funeral is in 2 days. So fair the little blueberry is hanging on in there and judging by my symptoms growing like a weed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Weird pregnancy symptom of the day; metallic taste in mouth.

None of my symptoms seem to last very long.
Except the exhaustion. Nap all day evr'yday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 5

Well so far three people in the whole world know that I'm pregnant - my boyfriend, a friend at work and the doctors receptionist.
I haven't seen a midwife yet so I've been resorting to Dr Google, who tells me that a) symptoms coming and going is normal and b) how likely a miscarriage is (in the next week it drops to 10-15%).

It's been a hard week, my dog was put down and my grandpa is slowly, but surely, passing away. They say deaths happen in threes and I'm hoping splodge isn't next.

Symptoms I have had this week (and since I found out):
  • Slight nausea but barely anything
  • Sore boobs (sometimes)
  • Some tiredness but nothing worse than normal - except I slept 14 hours on Saturday
  • Pulling/pinching/period like pains
When I took a pregnancy test I really wasn't expecting it to be positive, so a week later I'm still in shock. Praying that everything is okay and the next few weeks pass quickly so I can see the little squidge on an ultrasound.