Friday, August 14, 2015

20 week scan

Well this week saw me alternate between exhausted and manically cleaning the house. Cue me mopping the floors at 6:30 am!? Madness. Gary came down and asked me who I was and what I'd done with Amy!

It was lovely to see bubba on the ultrasound, I'm happy to report everything with baby is absolutely fine, everything is in the right place and he/she has the right amount of limbs and organs! I'm a little sad it will be our last ultrasound although I'm tempted to book a private one at a later date. I was surprised by how far down baby is still, it had it's head on my right hand side and its bum stuck up near my left side but well under my belly button.

Baby was laid with one arm under it's head like last time (I hope it's not stuck there!) and it had it's legs fully stretched out above itself, it was so funny to see! Baby was totally chilled and let the nice lady do all his/her measurements. We weren't asked if we wanted to know the gender and tbh we (I) had decided we really wanted a surprise! Although after seeing the amount of neutral clothes/accessories available almost wish we had asked.

You can see baby's long (!) legs on this one and the wee hand just floating around.

Now we've had our 20 week scan I feel a bit more comfortable buying baby things. Although we haven't actually bought anything yet (bar a wee elephant teddy). Looking at prams etc is a tad overwhelming and on top of that we need to get a pram that folds really compactly as our boot is teeny tiny!
We went to the Mamas and Papas outlet in Huddersfield which I'd been saving to go to, but I was disappointed with the size of it if I'm honest! Not to mention it didn't seem much cheaper in comparison to the Internet. Although I did buy my first maternity jeans for £5 so there's that...

Baby is getting loads stronger and booted me quite hard earlier! Also we decided on a boys and a girls name today, we're keeping them quiet but I'm happy with both choices. Just got to wait 140 days now!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Those wee little flutters have turned into wee little thumps. It's lovely to feel them!
It's especially funny when baby is sleeping and I sneeze and wake them up. 

I've been a bit grumpy this week but I think that's because it's getting closer to starting work again and I'm so ready to just be at home with my bubba!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

16 weeks + 4

Strangers are starting to notice and ask if I'm pregnant so I guess I'm starting to show a lot more now!
I'm having some stretching pains and my boobs have grown yet again (!) but no other symptoms. 
My cheese/pickled onions/salt and vinegar crisp craving has gone and my appetite mostly gone back to normal although that may be from the hot weather in Kos. 
I'm starting to feel you move a lot more now, tiny fluttery feelings that feel like snakes are in my belly. Whilst around music with a loud, strong beat baby likes to wiggle around. I like to think you're dancing but maybe we just woke you up!
This week I'm fully convinced you're a girl. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


We had our 16 week appointment today, a little early, but we're taking you on holiday tomorrow. 
We got to hear your heartbeating for the very first time and it was incredible! 
The last week or so I've been feeling a bit fed up, bit ratty with everyone and getting annoyed that a lot of my clothes don't fit anymore. Then I hear your tiny heart beat and it makes it so worthwhile!
I'm starting to get a wee bump now as you get bigger, currently you're the size of an apple.

It's one month today until we get to see you again, I love seeing you wiggling around inside me even if I can't always feel it!

Friday, June 19, 2015

11 weeks +5

Today we got to see you on the ultrasound.

I was so scared before we went to see you, I was terrified that you weren't going to be okay and as soon as I lay down you started bouncing around like you were excited to see us. Once I calmed down so did you, you had one arm above your head having a little rest.

It's all starting to feel real and I'm sure I've felt you fluttering around in there!

Mama and Daddy love you already, sweetheart.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

8 weeks

I ate actual food and feel AMAZING.
I figured out a way to manage the nausea and sickness is by eating little bits of food, once my stomach starts to feel empty that's when the nausea starts. 

Oh and I'm super gassy??

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Baby is now the size of a grape and my body is trying to vomit it up.
I'm down to only being sick once a day but oh god, it's horrible trying to stay hydrated.
I'm currently living off Calippo ice lollies and brown bread. Sometimes toasted, sometimes not, for variety.

Give me the strength to get through this.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

7 weeks+3

Well morning sickness hit me yesterday. Hard. I was sick three times and still feeling nauseous today. It has subsided a little now.
I was feeling really sorry for myself yesterday! I feel for those people who deal with it on a regular basis.

 My grandpa passed away a week and a half ago and his funeral is in 2 days. So fair the little blueberry is hanging on in there and judging by my symptoms growing like a weed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Weird pregnancy symptom of the day; metallic taste in mouth.

None of my symptoms seem to last very long.
Except the exhaustion. Nap all day evr'yday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 5

Well so far three people in the whole world know that I'm pregnant - my boyfriend, a friend at work and the doctors receptionist.
I haven't seen a midwife yet so I've been resorting to Dr Google, who tells me that a) symptoms coming and going is normal and b) how likely a miscarriage is (in the next week it drops to 10-15%).

It's been a hard week, my dog was put down and my grandpa is slowly, but surely, passing away. They say deaths happen in threes and I'm hoping splodge isn't next.

Symptoms I have had this week (and since I found out):
  • Slight nausea but barely anything
  • Sore boobs (sometimes)
  • Some tiredness but nothing worse than normal - except I slept 14 hours on Saturday
  • Pulling/pinching/period like pains
When I took a pregnancy test I really wasn't expecting it to be positive, so a week later I'm still in shock. Praying that everything is okay and the next few weeks pass quickly so I can see the little squidge on an ultrasound.